Friday, March 30, 2007

Ah Ha!

With a little help from Mei Mei I was able to connect to LibraryThing, a place to catalogue my favorite reads or authors. There are too many to mention but I put down 18 off the top of my head. I will add tags and interviews as more time allows. Such fun!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I haven't updated for awhile. I was busy exploring web 2.0. I learned about myspace and signed up for an account. I progressed to learning about You can go there for your favorite bookmarks. You can set up rss feeds for constant updates, add tags and follow other people who are connected to a subject you are interested in. It is amazing the things you can do. This connection with 'friends' and info would be useful to someone doing research and to consolidate things you are interested in keeping updated on, using bookmarks and tags. Its amazing the things people have discovered!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I have gone further in my KCLS 27 Things Log. I set up a Bloglines acct with RSS feeds. I can go to one place and update the weather forcast in Seattle, check out health and nutrition news, see book reviews, connect to KCLS U Learning 2.0 and see a library cartoon called Unshelved. WOW! The best part--No one helped me this time! Great fun for Nana.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Flickr Montager has more turtles than I could imagine.
What Fun!


Interesting places and faces...picture taken by Carlos with underwater camera